‘Worse number of airstrike casualties in Mosul than during Aleppo, media fails to cover‘ – monitor


‘The number of civilian casualties from airstrikes by the US-led coalition in the Iraqi city of Mosul exceeds the numbers reported by the media during the operation to retake Aleppo by Syrian and Russian forces, the London-based Airwars monitoring group has said.
“Since the assault, first on east Mosul and then west Mosul began, we have seen just a remarkable change at Mosul, moving from tens of civilians reported killed every week or even every month, to hundreds reported killed every week now by coalition airstrikes,” Chris Woods, Airwars director, told RT’s Ruptly video agency.’

Read more: ‘Worse number of airstrike casualties in Mosul than during Aleppo, media fails to cover‘ – monitor

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