Zika hysteria spreads to sperm donors as CDC orders halt to donations in three Florida counties where Zika has done virtually nothing

‘If it’s not Swine Flu it’s Ebola, and if it’s not Ebola it’s Zika, the latest manufactured epidemic that the government wants everyone to fear. Though Zika has mostly been a non-issue in the U.S., officials from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have made a proclamation that men who live in, or have traveled to, three Florida counties can no longer donate their sperm to sperm banks because they might be carrying the mosquito-borne illness.
Reports indicate that the ban on sperm donations is now in effect in Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach counties, despite the fact that Miami-Dade is the only one of the three where any evidence has ever emerged that Zika might be present. Yet, even with Miami-Dade, very little evidence exists that Zika has ever been an issue there, as reported infections came from individuals in areas of South Florida that were not necessarily in that county.’
Read more: Zika hysteria spreads to sperm donors as CDC orders halt to donations in three Florida counties where Zika has done virtually nothing

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