10 DEADLY chemicals cigarette manufacturers don’t want you to know about

‘We all know smoking is bad for us, yet millions of people still smoke. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 15 percent of Americans, or more than 40 million people, still light up a cigarette everyday. Compared to the 42 percent of the population that smoked in 1965, it seems like we are making some progress.
Despite all the efforts being made, smoking remains the number one cause of preventable death in the United States, killing some 443,000 Americans every year. As stated by the CDC, smoking kills more people than obesity, drug abuse, infectious disease, firearms, and traffic accidents.
But what exactly is it that makes cigarettes so bad for our health? While we all know about the addictive effects of nicotine, not many people realize that cigarettes contain more than 4000 other chemicals. Of these chemicals, at least 40 are known carcinogens, and 400 are proven to be toxic to some degree.
Are you a smoker? Let’s look at ten of the most toxic substances found in cigarettes. Hopefully, this article will make you think twice before lighting up your next cigarette.’
Read more: 10 DEADLY chemicals cigarette manufacturers don’t want you to know about

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10 DEADLY chemicals cigarette manufacturers don’t want you to know about

‘We all know smoking is bad for us, yet millions of people still smoke. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 15 percent of Americans, or more than 40 million people, still light up a cigarette everyday. Compared to the 42 percent of the population that smoked in 1965, it seems like we are making some progress.
Despite all the efforts being made, smoking remains the number one cause of preventable death in the United States, killing some 443,000 Americans every year. As stated by the CDC, smoking kills more people than obesity, drug abuse, infectious disease, firearms, and traffic accidents.
But what exactly is it that makes cigarettes so bad for our health? While we all know about the addictive effects of nicotine, not many people realize that cigarettes contain more than 4000 other chemicals. Of these chemicals, at least 40 are known carcinogens, and 400 are proven to be toxic to some degree.
Are you a smoker? Let’s look at ten of the most toxic substances found in cigarettes. Hopefully, this article will make you think twice before lighting up your next cigarette.’
Read more: 10 DEADLY chemicals cigarette manufacturers don’t want you to know about

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