Against London’s World War Threats Trump-Xi Discussions Are Taking On the Greatest Importance

With another telephone discussion Sunday on peace on the Korean Peninsula, the dialogue between President Donald Trump and China’s President Xi Jinping is taking on a world-leading importance, understood by leading Chinese figures but obscured in the Atlantic region by British demands for war confrontations.

Xi has proposed, and Trump agreed, that the two have regular conversations and an early visit by Trump to China for a second summit meeting. This is the crucial collaboration for the first American President in a century to discuss returning to Alexander Hamilton’s and Lincoln’s “American System of economy,” which defied the British Empire and made the United States the world’s leading industrial nation.

China’s “Economic Belt and Road Initiative” is driving world economic growth and truly benefiting the 60 other nations participating, putting modern infrastructure into their economies and creating productive employment. This is what Trump wants to do.

Trump is reviving the “Apollo” spirit of John F. Kennedy with Presidential space videos and his call to the Space Station today with thousands of American students watching, and he is proposing to speed the return to the Moon and Mars. China’s space program is taking the lead in Moon exploration, including the never-attempted far side, looking ahead to Mars.

Trump and Xi both want a peaceful solution in Korea. London’s leaders and media, having led the McCarthyite assault against Trump’s cooperative relationship with Russia, now insistently try to blow up the North Korea crisis into world war. British Defense Secretary Michael Fallon’s declaration yesterday, that “Prime Minister May is ready to use nuclear weapons in a first strike,” as one British headline accurately reported, was war insanity, especially in a manufactured nuclear weapons crisis. Britain’s Attorney General has just declared that aggressive war is not illegal for Britain!

The British drive to blacken and “coup” the Trump Presidency must be stopped. If U.S.-China and U.S.-Russia cooperation are on good grounds, there is no problem in the world that cannot be solved.

As the latest one-minute EIR video states:

“President Donald Trump has spoken frequently of his intent to spend $1 Trillion on US infrastructure to boost productivity and expand the economy. He has a wonderful opportunity next month to discuss that vision with other world leaders, including those in Asia, which is spending 30 times what the US is on infrastructure, relative to GDP.

“On May 14 and 15, a tremendous summit will be held in Beijing, to plan out the Belt and Road Initiative. This is an international cooperation project, initiated by China, that involves: cooperation of over 60 countries; the building of what will be around $20T of infrastructure; that will affect over 4 billion people.

“The May summit will include: 110 nations, 28 represented by their heads of state. It’s a great infrastructure opportunity.

“President Trump, don’t miss this opportunity. Attend the summit in Beijing!”

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