Are You a Human Being or Just a Programmable Life Form?

‘There is no clear line dividing science fiction and reality. If we can think it, we can create it, and so the world becomes a stranger and more interesting place by the day. This applies both to our individual universes within, and with the outer world at large.
We really have no idea at all what it means to be a human. We don’t know where we come from or how we got to this shining gem of a planet. We don’t know why the earth is covered with the mysteries of antiquity and the monolithic footprints of giants. We certainly have little understanding of our fate, nor much of the heavy forces at play against us.
But we do have the brilliant spark of consciousness as well as free will to help mould our 3-D experience during the wink of time that passes from birth to what we fear is death. We are in a sense programmable life forms, and so the question is, what are being programmed with and by whom?’
Read more: Are You a Human Being or Just a Programmable Life Form?

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