Bride and groom booted off United Airlines flight in Houston

‘A couple traveling from the US city of Houston to Costa Rica for their wedding were removed from a United Airlines flight due to a seating issue.
The incident took place on Saturday on Flight 1737 which was headed from Houston to Liberia in Costa Rica as Michael Hohl, the groom, and his fiancé, Amber Maxwell, said they were the last people to board the plane.
According to Hohl, the couple had noticed a man who was napping spread across their row when they approached their seats, 24 B and C. They decided to sit three rows up in seats 21 B and C, not wanting to wake the man.
He added they did not think it would be a problem because the flight was half full with several empty rows.
“We thought not a big deal, it’s not like we are trying to jump up into a first-class seat,” said Hohl. “We were simply in an economy row a few rows above our economy seat.”’
Read more: Bride and groom booted off United Airlines flight in Houston

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