CNN Has Child Read Off A Script To Push For War In Syria To Oust Assad

‘CNN is calling it a “7-year-old Syrian girl’s heartbreaking plea” to stop the war in Syria, in reality it’s a fake news hoax to get the Trump administration to overthrow Assad and turn on Russia.
The top story on CNN’s front page today is a disgusting Iraq-has-WMDs-style fake news story to con America into another war.
Under the title, “7-year-old Syrian girl’s heartbreaking plea: ‘Why can’t you stop the war?’,” CNN anchor Alisyn Camerota is seen interviewing a 7-year-old Syrian girl named Bana Alabed.’

Read more: CNN Has Child Read Off A Script To Push For War In Syria To Oust Assad

2017 Chemical Attack in Syria – Fake News from CNN – False Flag Obvious

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