Egypt church bombings: At least 44 killed in two explosions targeting Christians on Palm Sunday

‘Suicide bombers struck hours apart at two Coptic churches in northern Egypt, killing at least 44 people and turning Palm Sunday services into scenes of horror and outrage at the government that led the president to call for a three-month state of emergency.
The two attacks were claimed by Isis. The first took place in the Saint George church in the Nile Delta town of Tanta, north of Cairo, killing 27 and wounding at least 78, the Ministry of Health said.
Later, an explosion hit Saint Mark’s Cathedral in the coastal city of Alexandria, the historic seat of Christendom in Egypt, killing at least 17 and wounding 48 just after Pope Tawadros II finished services.’

Read more: Egypt church bombings: At least 44 killed in two explosions targeting Christians on Palm Sunday

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