EMF Warriors: Who Or What Are They?

‘How much do you, the consumer, know about electromagnetic frequencies generated by ALL the ‘smart’ appliances, gadgets, iPhones, AMI Smart Meters, Wi-Fi, tablets and cell/mast/stingray towers that dot the landscape every so many hundred feet?
If you are like most folks, you probably think there’s nothing wrong, otherwise they would not be permitted on the market or to be constructed wherever, i.e., on hospital roofs; in farmers’ fields; next to local firehouses and straddling community common areas!
Question: Have you read the operating manual that comes with your cell phone? Have you seen the signs posted at gasoline stations regarding NOT using cell phones while filling up? Furthermore, you probably have several ‘smart’ devices you ‘depend’ upon, especially those which text message everyone you know.’
Read more: EMF Warriors: Who Or What Are They?

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