Even Mickey’s job isn’t safe! Walt Disney is developing ‘soft robots’ to bring cartoon characters to life so they can interact and even be hugged by people

‘Robots dressed as movie characters could one day roam around Disney theme parks interacting with visitors.
Walt Disney has filed a new patent application showing the company is developing the soft-body robots to bring characters like Mickey Mouse to life.
The plan is to have the humanoid robots moving and physically interacting like an animated characters and they are being adapted for soft contact and interaction with humans.
Prototype sketches included with the application shows a round shape similar to that of the soft-robot character in Disney’s Big Hero 6 film. The application does not specifically name characters they plan to animate.’
Read more: Even Mickey’s job isn’t safe! Walt Disney is developing ‘soft robots’ to bring cartoon characters to life so they can interact and even be hugged by people

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