Expose and Crush the British Attack on the U.S.

As you read this, the British are moving to exploit a loophole in European peacekeeping agreements, to try again to lure President Trump into making a dangerous mistake — this one likely fatal — like his missile attack against Syria on April 6, which was based on forged British evidence of a Syrian government chemical-warfare attack.

Remember that the Obama Administration sponsored actual Nazis to take over Ukraine in early 2014. These Nazis would already have plunged Europe and the world into war long ago, but for the four-power “Normandy” talks between the top leaders of France, Germany, Russia, and Ukraine, which have kept the conflict from spiraling out of control so far — despite all the weaknesses of the French and Germans.

The last telephone conference of the Normandy Four was on April 18, just two days ago. But now, the French Presidential election will create a delay of at least a month — the next French President is expected to be inaugurated about ten days after the second-round election scheduled for May 7. The British have rushed into this gap, in an obvious extension of their attack against the United States — which must be crushed on that basis. They brought Ukraine’s President Poroshenko to Britain on April 18 for two days of closed-door talks and highly-provocative public speeches — apparently preparing for another sudden, false-flag attack, or something like it. Another dirty trick is in the offing! Last night, Bloomberg News sent out a fraudulent story titled, “Putin Quietly Detaches Ukraine’s Rebel Zones as U.S. Waffles,” using faked quotes from Russian officials.

Lyndon LaRouche has pointed to the role of German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen as a crucial surrogate for the British system, who is launching actual military operations to support that British system and its forced march into war with Russia. He said that Americans must get on her case, expose her and get rid of her.

On the British lies about Syrian chemical warfare which fooled and entrapped President Trump two weeks ago, the latest installment of MIT Professor Ted Postol’s expose, proves beyond question that the sarin-gas attack alleged in the “White House Report of April 11” did not happen. He also gives a clue — the unique, findable location of groups of victims on the ground — which can readily be used to unravel the whole made-up charade and prove exactly how it was done!

Americans must act jointly and closely with allies in Europe and across the world to expose and denounce the British traps, and shut them down for good!

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