General election forces Sturgeon to POSTPONE her bid to force a new independence referendum as a poll finds support for independence has slumped to just 40%

‘Nicola Sturgeon admitted today her plan to press ahead with a new independence referendum would have to be postponed until after the election.
The SNP leader had vowed to outline the ‘next steps’ to force a re-run of the 2014 poll when Theresa May rejected official pleas to call one.
The threat was widely seen as signalling SNP plans to hold an unofficial referendum in defiance of Westminster.
But today Ms Sturgeon admitted her plot would have to wait, prompting scorn from Scottish Tory leader Ruth Davidson.
The concession came after a bombshell poll showed support for independence has slumped to 40 per cent.’
Read more: General election forces Sturgeon to POSTPONE her bid to force a new independence referendum as a poll finds support for independence has slumped to just 40%

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