Germany investigates hundreds of suspected right-wing extremists in its armed forces

‘Germany has launched an investigation into 275 cases of suspected right-wing extremist activity among its service personnel, including racist comments on the Internet and saying “Heil Hitler,” Germany’s Defense Ministry told parliament in a letter, according to local media.
Germany’s Counter-Intelligence Service (MAD) is looking into 53 extremism cases among Bundeswehr soldiers from 2017, 143 cases from 2016 and 79 cases from before 2016, the Defense Ministry said in a letter to the Bundestag, DPA news agency reported, citing Funke Mediengruppe newspapers.
The 15-page letter expands on the cases that involve soldiers making gestures used in Nazi Germany along with the “Heil Hitler” phrase, and verbally abusing fellow servicemen with a migrant background, Reuters reported, citing the document.’
Read more: Germany investigates hundreds of suspected right-wing extremists in its armed forces

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