Google and Facebook algorithms a whole new kind of ‘Orwellian censorship,’ warns News Corp CEO

‘We all learned in grade school that the First Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees the freedom of speech for all Americans. What some people may not know, however, is the historical context behind freedom of speech. Like most other amendments in the Bill of Rights, the right to speak freely and openly was meant to be a check on the federal government. In most other countries during the time of our founding and even in many countries today, citizens are tortured or even killed for speaking out against the government. The Founding Fathers wanted to break from that type of system and empower the people to speak up if and when the government begins to take steps towards tyranny.
Today, there is an ongoing effort within the progressive movement to silence speech that is not aligned with their ideology – that is, any speech that promotes the tenets of conservative republicanism. Whether it’s talk radio, college professors and administrations or on social media, the left’s assault on free speech is relentless. Such censorship will no doubt put America on a slippery slope, and may one day lead to the formation of a centralized, tyrannical state.’
Read more: Google and Facebook algorithms a whole new kind of ‘Orwellian censorship,’ warns News Corp CEO

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