Here we go again: FDA Commissioner in pocket of Big Pharma

‘The excellent medical reporter, Martha Rosenberg, has written a piece at Salon: “The FDA Now Officially Belongs to Big Pharma.” Here are a few highlights:
“It is hard to believe only four senators opposed the confirmation of [the new FDA Commissioner]…[he] received money from 23 drug companies including the giants like Johnson & Johnson, Lilly, Merck, Schering Plough and GSK…”
“[He] also lists financial links to Gambro, Regeneron, Gilead, AstraZeneca, Roche and other companies and equity positions in four medical companies. Gilead is the maker of the $1000-a-pill hepatitis C drug AlterNet recently wrote about. This is FDA commissioner material?”
Oh, wait. I’m sorry.
Gee whiz. How could I have made that mistake?’
Read more: Here we go again: FDA Commissioner in pocket of Big Pharma

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