Holy cow! Butchers face life sentence in India for slaughtering sacred animal

‘Those slaughtering cows now face a life sentence in the Indian state of Gujarat, after lawmakers voted to pass new measures to protect the sacred animal, up from a previous punishment of seven years. The state law is the toughest in the country.
Under current Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s term as the state’s chief minister, slaughtering cows and possession of beef was banned under a 2011 amendment to the 1954 Gujarat Animal Preservation Act. This latest amendment punishes the slaughter of cows with life imprisonment, while those found in possession of beef can be sentenced to seven to ten years and fined. The penalty for both offenses has been doubled from 50,000 to 100,000 rupees ($1,542). Those found guilty of transporting beef will also be jailed for 10 years. Vehicles used to take animals to slaughter may also be seized.’
Read more: Holy cow! Butchers face life sentence in India for slaughtering sacred animal

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