How to build a super-soldier: US military experiments with ELECTROCUTING recruits’ brains to improve their reaction times

‘The US Navy is testing brain-electrocuting technology in order to create a new breed of super-soldiers.
Elite members of SEAL Team Six are among those training with neuro-stimulation devices designed to increase concentration and improve reaction times.
Developed for athletes, the headphone-like device fires electrical pulses into the brain which reprogram it to be more responsive to training.
Rear Admiral Tim Szymanski told ‘In experiments, people who were watching these screens… their ability to concentrate would fall off in about 20 minutes.
‘But they did studies whereby a little bit of electrical stimulation was applied, and they were able to maintain the same peak performance for 20 hours.’
Read more: How to build a super-soldier: US military experiments with ELECTROCUTING recruits’ brains to improve their reaction times 

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