‘I Don’t Know How Many People I’ve Killed’: Whistleblowers Speak Out on America’s Gruesome Drone Wars

‘The United States has been waging a drone war across Africa and the Middle East for more than a decade. Sonia Kennebeck’s new PBS documentary “National Bird,” executive produced by Errol Morris and Wim Wenders, tells the haunting stories of three American whistleblowers attempting to return to normal life after a stint in the highly controversial program.
Daniel, a political activist and former NSA signals intelligence analyst, is being investigated for espionage.
“He could be indicted any day, or years from now, for espionage, because the government suspects that he is a source of information about the drone program that the government doesn’t want out there,” Daniel’s attorney, Jesselyn Radack, explains in the film.’

Read more: ‘I Don’t Know How Many People I’ve Killed’: Whistleblowers Speak Out on America’s Gruesome Drone Wars

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