‘Il Duce’ Sultan: Will Turkey Turn Into an Islamofascist State?

‘Turkey’s founding father Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (1881-1938) had the intention of moving his country away from the Middle East and its neighbouring Arab countries to transform Turkey into a thriving parliamentary democracy, following centuries of, in his view, backward Ottoman rule. But now, nearly eighty years after his death, the nation’s first popularly elected president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (aka the Prez) appears busy to do his utmost to reintegrate Turkey back into the Middle East, and within the region circle of influence of its Arab and Gulf neighbours.
Erdoğan’s latest strike in this respect was the realisation of a popular referendum on Constitutional changes that would increase the executive power of the figure of the President and supposedly usher in a stable political climate, unperturbed by coalition negotiations or ever party political disputes. Many weeks and months have passed in preparation and finally, on Sunday, 16 April 2017, the Turkish population went to the polls in an effort to determine the shape of things to come . . . and now, though the result was close (or a mere “51.4 percent” voting in favour), Tayyip Erdoğan and his AKP henchmen can continue to dismantle the Republic of Turkey… at will.’
Read more: ‘Il Duce’ Sultan: Will Turkey Turn Into an Islamofascist State?

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