Israel resumes building ‘apartheid wall’ in West Bank

‘Israel has resumed constructing its controversial separation wall northwest of the occupied West Bank city of Bethlehem that is viewed as an embodiment of Tel Aviv’s oppression against the Palestinians.
Israeli forces have placed a four-meter-high barbed wire fence in Ein Jwaizeh area to the northwest of al-Walaja village, completely encircling it, Hasan Brijiyeh from the committee against the Apartheid Wall and settlements in Bethlehem, told the official Palestinian news agency Wafa on Saturday.
“Construction of the barrier in the West Bank gravely violates the rights of Palestinians in the areas affected, restricting their access to their lands, crucial services and relatives on the other side of the barrier. The barrier also prevents any possibility of economic development,” said Israeli rights group B’Tselem on its website.’
Read more: Israel resumes building ‘apartheid wall’ in West Bank

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