Judge orders Forced Vaccinations for children in shocking UK court case

‘Freedom has taken another crushing blow in the UK as a High Court judge ruled that a mother can’t do what she believes is best for her children — but only because her beliefs don’t go along with their preordained narrative of what defines a child’s “best interests.”
The mother in question did not want to vaccinate her children in part, because they are vegans and current vaccine development methods do not align with the family’s personal beliefs (they contain animal blood components and DNA). The mother also cited concerns about toxic ingredients often found in vaccines, such as aluminum salts, as part of why she opposed getting her children vaccinated. According to the mother, her oldest son had already experienced side effects from previous shots such as “cradle cap, a persistent cough and eczema.”
However, this story is not just a case of courts versus a loving mother. The children’s father brought the mother to court over her refusal to vaccinate the kids, and applied for a court order to force vaccination upon them. The father says that he did this out of concern for his sons’ safety, and claims that the mother is “obsessive, overprotective and narrow in her views.”’
Read More : Judge orders FORCED VACCINATIONS for children in shocking UK court case

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