Kalingrad: US Seeks to Neuter Russian Air Defense, but Why?

‘US-based RAND research organisation urged the Pentagon to assess a perspective of how NATO can suppress Russian missile defences in the Kaliningrad enclave in Europe. Should Russia take these calls seriously? It is hardly possible to unequivocally answer this question, given, inter alia, highly tense relations between Russia and the United States. Yet, it’s worth recalling another report from the same organisation that was published 15 years ago.
Regarding the most recent report, it tells of various scenarios and contingencies that the US Defence Department should assess. The report then proceeds to the threadbare myth about the “Russian threat” to Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Poland and other states situated in the area of the Kaliningrad enclave. Noteworthy, RAND announced in 2016 that Russia would need 60 hours to “occupy” the three Baltic states. The report triggered quite a hysterical, yet a predictable reaction from the leaders of the Baltic countries.’
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