Macron visits Holocaust Museum to remind voters of National Front’s anti-Semitism as Le Pen claims euro is ‘dead’

‘France’s presidential candidates have been pushing their rival views of Europe, with far-right candidate Marine Le Pen calling the euro “dead” and centrist Emmanuel Macron visiting a Holocaust memorial and urging unity.
A day after European Union leaders nailed down their negotiating stance over Britain’s departure, attention is now on France as its voters decide on May 7 whether to choose Ms Le Pen, whose anti-EU stance could unravel post-war unity, or Mr Macron, who wants greater European cooperation and trade.
“I think the euro is dead,” Ms Le Pen was quoted as saying in Le Parisien. While she was sticking to plans for a referendum on France’s membership in the EU, MS Le Pen offered to allow big companies that operate internationally to continue using the euro while ordinary citizens would use a new franc.’

Read more: Macron visits Holocaust Museum to remind voters of National Front’s anti-Semitism as Le Pen claims euro is ‘dead’

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