Massive academic cover-up concealing a near-total collapse of ocean food chains … mass death to humans will follow

‘Marine fish provides 15 percent of all animal protein consumed by humans. Unfortunately, we may not have the luxury of eating fish much longer. While academics are forbidden, under threat, to share their findings on the actual health of the Pacific Ocean, stories of blue deserts void of life are popping up along the West Coast and other coastal regions around the world.
The oceans are slowly dying, and with them, a significant part of our food supply will disappear. Since the number of smaller marine life dramatically reduces every year, bigger predators are starving to death. The causes of the recent mass strandings and die-offs of marine life are numerous, ranging from overfishing and climate change to plastic pollution and radioactive contamination.
As bad as all of this sounds, if you’re relying on the mainstream media for your news, you may not be aware of this growing issue that is threatening our food chain.’
Read more: Massive academic cover-up concealing a near-total collapse of ocean food chains … mass death to humans will follow

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