Merkel lays down the gauntlet: EU leaders take just FOUR MINUTES to agree anti-Brexit tactics and demands on migrants, border controls and Gibraltar

‘Donald Tusk today demanded a ‘serious’ offer from Britain on guaranteeing the rights of European citizens before Brexit trade talks can begin as the EU agreed its opening gambit for the negotiations.
Mr Tusk hailed the ‘unity’ of the remaining 27 EU members after they adopted negotiating guidelines in just four minutes, saying it was a ‘firm and fair political mandate’ for the Brexit negotiations, and set out their demands on migrants, Gibraltar and border controls in Northern Ireland.
The EU Council President warned Theresa May there was a detailed list of rights that must be guaranteed to EU citizens and warned any EU state could veto the start of talks about the future relationship if they were unhappy.
At a joint press conference, EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said he had a document ready on 25 citizens’ rights but warned if Britain haggles, it will take up a ‘huge amount of time’ in the two-year Brexit process.’
Read more: Merkel lays down the gauntlet: EU leaders take just FOUR MINUTES to agree anti-Brexit tactics and demands on migrants, border controls and Gibraltar

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