MI5 monitored Whitehall terrorist suspect for weeks after family reported him

‘The terrorist suspect who was arrested by armed police as he was carrying a “bag of knives” through Westminster on Thursday afternoon had been tracked by MI5 for possible ties to Islamic State for weeks after being reported to authorities by his family.
The 27-year-old suspect, who is understood to have been born overseas and lived in South East London, was detained outside the Treasury, just yards from where five people were killed in a terrorist attack by Khalid Masood last month.
Dramatic pictures show police pinning the suspect to the ground as three large knives and a discarded rucksack featuring the Union flag with the word ‘London’ on it lie on the pavement next to him. Witnesses said he appeared calm as the officers moved in.
It is thought that he was headed towards Downing Street after emerging from St James’ Park Tube station, according to the Telegraph.’
Read more: MI5 monitored Whitehall terrorist suspect for weeks after family reported him

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