‘Ministers must do everything possible to ensure Le Pen defeat’ – Hollande

‘French President Francois Hollande has told his ministers to do everything possible to ensure the defeat of right-wing presidential candidate Marine Le Pen in the decisive second round of elections on May 7.
The outgoing socialist president appears to be backing centrist candidate Emmanuel Macron in the second round of the race.
“Hollande has asked ministers to fully commit themselves in the election campaign to ensure that Marine Le Pen has the lowest possible result,” French presidential spokesman, Stephane Le Foll, said at the Council of Ministries on Wednesday.
Each minister must be “totally mobilized in this campaign,” Le Foll said, adding that in 2002 Marine Le Pen’s father, Jean-Marie Le Pen, also made it into the second round and was defeated.’

Read more: ‘Ministers must do everything possible to ensure Le Pen defeat’ – Hollande

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