Moreno declared winner in Ecuador presidential race

‘Ruling party candidate Lenin Moreno was declared the winner of Ecuador’s presidential runoff Sunday, delivering a major setback to a recent right-ward surge in Latin American politics and providing continuity to President Rafael Correa’s “Citizens’ Revolution.”
But his rival, conservative banker Guillermo Lasso, has yet to concede defeat and demanded a recount after three exit polls showed him winning, setting the stage for protests and charges of election fraud in this historically turbulent Andean nation.
“We’re not fools, nor are the Ecuadorean people,” Lasso said on Twitter, hours after claiming victory based on the exit polls results. “We will act democratically and with respect for authorities but firmly to defend the will of the people.”
With more than 94 percent of voting acts counted, the National Electoral Council said Moreno beat Lasso 51 percent to 49 percent.’
Read more: Moreno declared winner in Ecuador presidential race

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