Neocon Paul Wolfowitz Speaking Privately With McMaster And Mattis

‘Neocon war hawk Paul Wolfowitz is now “optimistic” about President Trump and privately emailing HR McMaster and James Mattis to whore for more wars in the Middle East.
From Politico:
To liberals and other critics, Wolfowitz would be the last person they want Trump to listen to. Long a lightning rod because of the havoc unleashed by the Iraq invasion, Wolfowitz has never apologized for advocating the war, although he has saidóand repeated in our conversationóthat it was not carried out as he would have wanted it to be. In recent days heës jumped right back into the public debate, nudging President Trump from the pages of the Wall Street Journal to follow up his bombing strike in neighboring Syria with more aggressive actionóand, he tells me, privately emailing with Trump Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and national security advisor H.R. McMaster, both longtime contacts since his Bush days, in hopes they will pursue a U.S. strategy of stepped-up engagement in the Middle East.’
Read more: Neocon Paul Wolfowitz Speaking Privately With McMaster And Mattis

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