Nikki Haley After Syrian Gas Attack: How Many Children ‘Have to Die Before Russia Cares?’

‘U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley ripped into Russia during a U.N. Security Council meeting Wednesday for what she deemed an inept response to a suspected gas attack in Syria.
As Russian and Syrian officials looked on, Haley accused Moscow of being complicit by choosing to “close their eyes to this barbarity.” She launched into a harsh rebuke by holding up photos of victims of Tuesday’s slaughter, in which activists say about 100 people, including 25 children, were killed and another 400 were injured.
“How many more children have to die before Russia cares?” Haley asked. “The U.S. sees yesterday’s attack as a disgrace at the highest level — an assurance that humanity means nothing to the Syrian government.”‘
Read more: Nikki Haley After Syrian Gas Attack: How Many Children ‘Have to Die Before Russia Cares?’

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