Obama officials caught red-handed in most explosive abuse of power in U.S. history… bigger than Watergate… is Susan Rice going to prison?

‘This is ten times bigger than Watergate… and it will likely see high-level Obama officials spending years in prison.
The #SurveillanceGate story is blowing up all over the Democrats today as it is now revealed that Susan Rice, Obama’s former national security advisor, was part of a massive criminal conspiracy to surveil and “unmask” President Trump campaign officials in an effort destroy Trump’s chances of either winning the election or governing after achieving office.
The Daily Caller is now reporting that Susan Rice ordered spy agencies to produce “detailed spreadsheets” with unmasked names and identities of Trump Team officials. This is a felony crime and a gross abuse of power at the highest levels, dwarfing the Nixon-era Watergate scandal.’
Read more: Obama officials caught red-handed in most explosive abuse of power in U.S. history… bigger than Watergate… is Susan Rice going to prison?

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