Paris mosque urges Muslims to follow ‘path of hope’ by voting Macron

‘Supporters of Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen wasted no time in canvassing support just a day after the opening round of the presidential election. The Grande Mosque in Paris put out a call to followers to vote “massively” for Macron in May’s run-off.

“Respecting the republican values and the strict application of the principles of secularism, embodies the path of hope and confidence in the spiritual and citizenship of the nation,” read a statement from the mosque, one of the largest in France.
Supporters of Macron have called on the French public to embrace the candidate they believe has the ability to silence the views of the far-right, represented by presidential rival Le Pen and the National Front party.’

Read more: Paris mosque urges Muslims to follow ‘path of hope’ by voting Macron

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