Pimping for Israel remains undiminished since UN report branded it an apartheid state

‘In the UK you can start a petition on the government website. If it reaches 10,000 signatures you get a response from the government. If it tops 100,000 it will be considered for debate in Parliament.
Currently there’s a petition saying the UK must apologise for the Balfour Declaration and lead peace efforts in Palestine. It says:
We call on Her Majesty’s Government to openly apologise to the Palestinian people for issuing the Balfour Declaration. The colonial policy of Britain between 1917-1948 led to mass displacement of the Palestinian nation. The British government should recognise its role during the Mandate and now must lead attempts to reach a solution that ensures justice for the Palestinian people.
The government’s response is unhelpful, to say the least:’
Read more: Pimping for Israel remains undiminished since UN report branded it an apartheid state

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