PM ‘would go to war over rock’: Leading Tories in startling claim that May is ready to defend Gibraltar just like Thatcher did the Falklands

‘Theresa May is prepared to go to war over Gibraltar as Margaret Thatcher did over the Falklands, senior Tories claimed yesterday.
Former Conservative leader Lord Howard said the Prime Minister would show the same resolve in defending Gibraltar from Spain as her predecessor did in wresting the Falklands back from Argentina following the 1982 invasion.
And Defence Secretary Sir Michael Fallon said the UK was prepared to go ‘all the way’ to keep the Rock out of Spain’s clutches.
The angry warnings follow the extraordinary bid by Madrid last week to use Brexit to ramp up its historic claim on Gibraltar.
Mrs May yesterday spoke to Gibraltar’s leader Fabian Picardo to reassure him that she would never ‘enter into a process of sovereignty negotiations with which Gibraltar is not content’.’
Read more: PM ‘would go to war over rock’: Leading Tories in startling claim that May is ready to defend Gibraltar just like Thatcher did the Falklands

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