Power companies are waging a secret war against solar

‘Despite several notable flaws, solar power is becoming more and more popular in the United States as a means of producing energy at a relatively low cost. However, out of fear that the solar industry could soon eat away at the traditional energy businesses, power companies are now pushing to end certain solar panel benefits for consumers.
In Indiana, for example, power companies are urging lawmakers to advance a piece of legislation that, if enacted into law, would significantly curtail a benefit that is currently available to solar panel owners.
Mark Maassel, President of the Indiana Energy Association, recently told a House committee that doing away with a particular state program that provides benefits to homeowners, schools and churches would add a “level of certainty” to the industry. More specifically, Maassel’s group is supporting a plan that would overhaul a process known as net metering, whereby solar panel owners can disperse excessive energy that they collect to the grid in exchange for credit on their bill.’
Read more: Power companies are waging a secret war against solar

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