President Trump, Go to Beijing to Build Infrastructure

Subscribe to the new EIR YouTube channel. President Donald Trump has a great opportunity to build up US infrastructure and move the economy forward—on May 14-15, there will be a tremendous event in Beijing: the Belt and Road Forum, attended by over 1000 people from 110 nations, 28 of which will be represented by their heads of state. If President Trump attends this summit, it will be a great opportunity to work out major infrastructure deals internationally. Mr. Trump, don’t miss this opportunity!

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President Trump, Go to Beijing to Build Infrastructure

Subscribe to the new EIR YouTube channel. President Donald Trump has a great opportunity to build up US infrastructure and move the economy forward—on May 14-15, there will be a tremendous event in Beijing: the Belt and Road Forum, attended by over 1000 people from 110 nations, 28 of which will be represented by their heads of state. If President Trump attends this summit, it will be a great opportunity to work out major infrastructure deals internationally. Mr. Trump, don’t miss this opportunity!

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