Russia could help ‘relieve Syrians of tyranny,’ join US-led coalition – UK’s Boris Johnson

‘UK Foreign Minister Boris Johnson has suddenly suggested that Moscow join the Western coalition in Syria, saying that Russia could assist in “relieving Syrians of a tyranny” of “toxic Assad.” Russian MPs were not thrilled by the prospects.
“Assad has been clinging on. With the help of Russians and Iranians, and by dint of unrelenting savagery, he has not only recaptured Aleppo. He has also won back most of ‘operational’ Syria,” Johnson wrote in a column penned for The Telegraph. While Johnson called for gathering “all evidence at Khan Sheikhoun,” citing the “painful” lessons of the 2003 Iraq invasion, the British FM seems to have already drawn his conclusions.
“It is in some ways bizarre that Bashar al-Assad should be so reckless,” Johnson writes, adding that “it seems mystifying that he should now raise the stakes by so blatantly murdering so many of his own people with chemical weapons.”’
Read more: Russia could help ‘relieve Syrians of tyranny,’ join US-led coalition – UK’s Boris Johnson

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