Saudi war on Yemen may put 4.5 million Yemeni children out of school: UNICEF

‘The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has warned that the ongoing Saudi aggression against impoverished Yemen may deprive a whole generation of children of education this year, cautioning that the consequences of the growing economic plight in Yemen would likely put these children at greater risk of being married off or recruited as child soldiers.
UNICEF Representative in Yemen Mertixell Relano sounded the grim warning at a press conference in the Yemeni capital, Sana’a, adding that during the past seven months, more than three-quarters of Yemeni teachers had not received their salaries, which may in turn leave up to 4.5 million children incapable of finishing the school year.
“At the moment, we have more than 166,000 teachers in the country that have not received a salary since October last year. This is more or less 73 percent of the total number of teachers in the country,” she said.’
Read more: Saudi war on Yemen may put 4.5 million Yemeni children out of school: UNICEF

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