Six Palestinian students injured amid clashes with Israeli forces in West Bank

‘At least six Palestinian students have sustained gunshot wounds after clashes broke out between a group of young Palestinian protesters and Israeli military forces in the central part of the occupied West Bank.
Local sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Israeli forces stormed the School Street near the Al-Quds University campus in Abu Dis town on Thursday morning, firing rubber-coated steel bullets and teargas canisters at stone-throwing students, Arabic-language Palestine al-Yawm news agency reported.
The sources added that six students were struck with bullets, while 18 others suffered excessive tear gas inhalation during the mayhem.
Medics from the Palestine Red Crescent Society rushed to the site and offered essential treatment to all wounded students, with no need to hospitalize any of them.’
Read more: Six Palestinian students injured amid clashes with Israeli forces in West Bank

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