Steve Bannon ‘removed from National Security Council’ but remains Donald Trump’s chief strategist

‘Donald Trump’s controversial, right-wing adviser Steve Bannon has reportedly been stripped of his position within the National Security Council in a shake-up ordered by the President.
Washington observers were startled after Mr Trump took office when Mr Bannon, a person with minimal foreign policy experience, was given a senior role on the council. He was even made a member of the council’s principals committee, in preference to military officials who usually take up such roles.
But, in a shake-up highlighted by a new memorandum published in the Federal Register, Mr Trump has removed his political confidant from the NSC, a body that advises the President on matters relating to national security. It said he had also downgraded the role of his Homeland Security Adviser, Tom Bossert.’
Read more: Steve Bannon ‘removed from National Security Council’ but remains Donald Trump’s chief strategist

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