Tech firms to set up forum to ‘tackle online terrorist propaganda’ following crunch talks with Amber Rudd

‘Major international technology firms have announced that they will set up a cross-industry forum to tackle online terrorist propaganda following a crunch meeting with the Home Secretary Amber Rudd.
The commitment from Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Twitter, comes after Ms Rudd criticised Facebook’s WhatsApp earlier this week after it emerged Khalid Masood, the terrorist responsible for the London attack, used the messaging service moments before ploughing into pedestrians on Westminster Bridge.
She complained that security agencies have been unable to access the message because of the use of encryption.
Describing the meeting as a “useful discussion”, the Home Secretary added that the conversation focused on the issue of access to terrorist propaganda online and the “very real and evolving threat it poses”.’
Read more: Tech firms to set up forum to ‘tackle online terrorist propaganda’ following crunch talks with Amber Rudd

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