The New Paradigm is Within Reach—But Perfidious Albion Delenda Est

President Donald Trump will be meeting with Xi Jinping on Thursday and Friday in Florida, and it has now been announced that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will go to Moscow next week, on April 11-12. The potential for a historic shift in the order of civilization — ending imperial geopolitics, beginning a new paradigm of peace through development and the ennoblement of all mankind — has never been as great as it is at this moment in history.

It should come as no surprise, therefore, that the British Empire has launched desperate measures aimed at dragging the United States into a new colonial war, as they did in the cases of Vietnam, Iraq, Libya — and now Syria. The intention is not merely to destroy yet another Southwest Asian nation, but to prevent their upstart former colony known as the United States from forming a partnership with Russia and China, ending the fundamental imperial division of the world between East and West, and thus ending the fundamental premise of Empire.

To that end, an atrocity was created in Syria this week, as chemical weapons were released in the town of Khan Sheikhoun in Idlib Province, either by terrorists, or, as the Russian evidence indicates, a legitimate Syrian air attack on an al-Qaeda weapons depot which accidentally uncovered and destroyed a chemical weapon factory used by al Qaeda’s Syrian branches, releasing a deadly agent which is reported to have killed dozens of people, including children.

Immediately, the British, French and, unfortunately, the U.S., issued a resolution to the UN Security Council declaring the Syrian Government fully responsible and demanding a set of new demands and sanctions. As usual, no evidence was presented.

It should be recalled that in 2013, a chemical weapons attack on Ghouta, a suburb of Damascus held be rebels forces, was immediately blamed on President Assad, and was used by Obama to prepare a full scale military “regime change” assault on Syria, which would have left Syria in the same destroyed condition as Iraq and Libya, under the control of warring terrorist factions. Only because then U.S. Chief of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey intervened to stop it did the world avoid another war, which could well have led to a global war with Russia. At that time, Putin stepped in to arrange the destruction of Syria’s chemical weapons stocks, which was accomplished. It was eventually shown by the UN’s Organization for Prevention of Chemical Weapons that the al-Qaeda and ISIS forces do indeed have chemical weapons and the means to produce them, and have in fact used them. Were the British to succeed in dragging President Trump into a war today, despite Trump’s repeated pledges that there would be no more regime change wars and that the U.S. would work with Russia to address the actual threat — that of terrorism — there is no question but that it would quickly lead to World War III, and a thermonuclear war at that.

In the UN Security Council meeting today, both Russia and China, this time backed up by Bolivia, not only vetoed the insane US/UK/French resolution, but directly addressed the British Ambassador to the UN as a liar and a war-mongerer. In typical British fashion, the Ambassador had blamed Russia and China for vetoing earlier efforts to launch a war on Assad’s Syria as the reason that the new chemical attack had taken place, lying that it was obvious that this new atrocity was done by Assad. “Your statements are not to be tolerated,” the Chinese Ambassador said. “You must stop abusing the UN Security Council and refrain from such action.” The Russian representative accused the British of “introducing provocations, beyond diplomatic norms. You want the UN Security Council to provide legitimacy for your illegitimate plans.”

Will the Tony Blair/George Bush lies, which launched the perpetual Hell in the Mideast with their illegal war on Iraq in 2003, be repeated today? Will the huge potential for peace and development through global cooperation in the New Silk Road be snuffed out by yet another British attrocity, with American duplicity in the evil of “perfidious Albion?”

We are at a crucial turning point in history. It is precisely the willingness to act by every cognizant human being in this moment of decision which will determine if we have war or peace, destruction or development, civilization or a new Dark Age.

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