The Next Era Of Drones will be defined by ‘swarms’

‘What do you picture when you think of a drone? A solitary, remote-controlled toy with propellers, or perhaps a large, unmanned military aircraft? Soon, those images could be quite different: drones are becoming smaller, cheaper to make, can zoom around on their own, and gather in groups of hundreds, even thousands, to fly like a flock of birds.
They’re called swarms – get enough of them together, and they could outpace humans in many ways; they could save your life, or they could be a deadly collaborative force on the battlefield.
For starters, on the battlefield they could outperform weapons and technology that militaries have used for decades. Think about it: in a congested city, teams of tiny quadrotors could buzz around to gather intelligence. Tank battalions could be overrun by miniature attack drones diving in from all directions at once. At sea, thousands of small drones could sweep in to attack a warship; many might be shot down, but others might make it through, destroying radar and leaving the ship defenceless.’
Read more: The Next Era Of Drones will be defined by ‘swarms’

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