The REAL Syria Civil Defence, Saving Real Syrians, NOT Oscar Winning White Helmets, Saving Al Qaeda

‘While the multi-million-NATO-Gulf-state-funded White Helmets were scooping the Oscar for the Netflix documentary depicting their “heroic” rescues in “war-torn” Syria, the REAL Syria Civil Defence was continuing with its daily routine of saving Syrian people in Syria, under attack by the same, US, NATO & Gulf state, funded, armed and equipped extremist factions rebranded multiple times to obfuscate their terrorist roots and ideology.
“The RAND Corporation’s recent piece titled, “Al Qaeda in Syria Can Change Its Name, but Not Its Stripes,” all but admits what was already suspected about designated terrorist groups operating in Syria – that they are undergoing a transition in an attempt by their state sponsors to bolster their legitimacy and spare them from liquidation amid the shifting tides on the battlefield.” ~ Tony Cartalucci’
Read more: The REAL Syria Civil Defence, Saving Real Syrians, NOT Oscar Winning White Helmets, Saving Al Qaeda

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