The U.S. Has No Legal Standing in Its Involvement in the War on Yemen

‘Yemen is proving what should be clear by now: President Trump may never make good on his bold campaign promise of less senseless wars overseas.
Watch as Trump defers to ‘the Generals’ to double-down on a bad Obama bet.
This week, we learned that the US Department of Defense, led by General James Mattis, would like to increase its support for Saudi Arabia and its Gulf accomplices, in their effort to continue to further destabilize and bomb Yemen, followed by the installation by force of a US and Saudi-friendly regime in that country.
Following over 2 years of hostilities against Yemen, Mattis has also decided to ask Congress for help in drafting some sort of authorization to give the US some legal standing in its continual involvement with this war. Mattis is erroneously bundling the issue of Yemen into both Syria and Iraq, claiming that this is somehow part of the “the fight against ISIS“.
What is it about Yemen that makes it such a gaping blind spot for members of the US government, its diplomatic corps and the US mainstream media?’
Read more: The U.S. Has No Legal Standing in Its Involvement in the War on Yemen

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