There’s a terrifying sense of deja vu as the Generals take over the White House and guide us towards another war (despite no-one knowing if it was Assad who used sarin on those civilians)

‘For those of us who covered the build-up to the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003, there is a terrifying sense of deja vu as another ‘Coalition of the Willing’ gears up to launch a potentially devastating wave of shock-and-awe in the Middle East.
That is certainly one worst-case interpretation of the comments made yesterday by the US ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley.
Confirming a remarkable U-turn in the Trump administration’s stance on Syria, she said that removing President Bashar al-Assad was now a ‘priority’.
Fourteen years ago we heard similar shrill calls from political leaders for regime change in Iraq, a country that – whether or not it used chemical weapons on its own people – posed no discernible threat to the national security of our own.’

Read more: There’s a terrifying sense of deja vu as the Generals take over the White House and guide us towards another war (despite no-one knowing if it was Assad who used sarin on those civilians)

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