Theresa May announces snap general election on June 8th

‘Prime Minister Theresa May has called for a UK general election will be held on June 8.
She said that when she became prime minister the country needed stability, and that this is what she has delivered.
May says her government has achieved its mandate after the Brexit referendum, saying there can be “no turning back,” and that the government has a plan in place for negotiations on the UK’s departure from the EU.
May says there should be unity in Westminster over Brexit, but there is not. She says Labour has threatened to vote against the final deal, and the Liberal Democrats want to bring parliamentary business to a standstill.
She says she is not prepared to allow her opponents to jeopardize Brexit negotiations.
“We need a general election and we need one now … I have only recently and reluctantly come to this conclusion.”’

Read more: Theresa May announces snap general election on June 8th

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