These People Frighten Me

Most of the things worth remembering during the 2008 presidential debates were uttered by Ron Paul.  But Mike Gravel, the former U.S. senator from Alaska had a moment.  Years earlier in the Senate, Gravel had distinguished himself for his opposition to the Vietnam War and the draft.

Then, in the first Democrat debate of the 2008 cycle, Gravel looked at the candidates posturing their bellicosity on the stage around him, including the now notorious warmongers Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, and said, “I got to tell you, after standing up with them, some of these people frighten me — they frighten me.”

Gravel was right to be fearful.  And yet the interventionists are always somehow able to pass themselves off as wise and judicious.

They are anything but.

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When Barack Obama announced in 2012 that Assad’s use of chemical weapons in Syria would be a red line for (more overt) U.S. military intervention, the truly wise and sophisticated – basically anyone with a passing familiarity with the history of forged documents, secret provocations, false flag events, and other phony war pretexts – knew for a certainty that a chemical weapons event would soon follow.

There are just too many players in the field that want the U.S. – then and now — to do their fighting for them.  And so, it wasn’t long before a sarin gas attack occurred, one that was purportedly launched by Assad on Syrian rebels.

Fortunately, there is still the occasional serious journalist, standing out like a grown up among the State’s scribbling children.  Among the adults is investigative reporter Seymour Hersh.  By 2014 Hersh had discovered that the Syrian sarin incident the year before was the work of Turkey (with the help of the Saudis), manipulating events in Syria to draw the U.S. into fighting its regional opponents for it.  For those who hadn’t swallowed the Iraq war kool-aid, it called to mind the hidden motives in which documents were forged to create a pretext for that debacle.

Hersh found that the U.S. intelligence community began having doubts about Syria’s role in the sarin attack almost immediately.  One source explained that “Turkish leadership had expressed ‘the need to do something that would precipitate a US military response.”

Now it’s Trumps turn and, rather than worldly and wise, it seems he can be played as easily as Bush and Obama.  Within days of the U.S. having abandoned its goal of driving Assad out and with victory finally within his grasp, Assad is suddenly this week supposed to have squandered it all and invited U.S. regime change anew by unleashing a chemical weapons attack on civilians near Idlib.

It doesn’t sound realistic, but even before the evidence was in Trump took the bait.

“These heinous actions by the Assad regime cannot be tolerated,” said the President.  Trump said that Obama had missed the opportunity to deal with Assad after the 2013 event and that “I now have responsibility, and I will have that responsibility and carry it very proudly.”

Is this the same Donald Trump who repeatedly urged Obama to stay out of Syria?  In 2013 he tweeted, ” We should stay the hell out of Syria, the “rebels” are just as bad as the current regime. WHAT WILL WE GET FOR OUR LIVES AND $ BILLIONS? ZERO.”

Unfortunately, Syria is only the half of it.   While taking personal responsibility for Syria, Trump took the opportunity to proclaim his responsibility for North Korea.  Trump and his team are cooking up something there, too.

If you want to see something really scary, keep your eyes on President Trump barrelling to catastrophe.  It’s like watching an approaching train wreck.  You want to avert your eyes from the spectacle, but the horror of it cries to be witnessed.

It is astonishing that people like Bush, Obama and Trump can be played so easily.

These geniuses really frighten me.

This poor country.

The post These People Frighten Me appeared first on LewRockwell.

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