They Play Dirty

1. DC Implodes
Joachim Hagopian on Obama and the Shadow Government.
2. 100 Things Every Guy Should Own
Do you? Article by Frank Roberts.
3. The Deep State Risks Nuclear Armageddon
To dump the pro-military, pro-some wars Trump. Why?
4. Close Your Garage Door!
Eric Peters on what happens if you don’t.
5. Did Obama Spy on Trump?
Of course. Andrew P. Napolitano on how.
6. Imperial Murder in the Levant
And the decision Trump better make quickly. Article by Eric Margolis.
7. NY Teamsters Pension Fund Goes Broke
“Pension tsunami” ahead. Article by Tyler Durden.
8. Serrapeptase: A Cheap Medical Miracle
It helps rid the body of unhealthy non-living tissue and gunk.
9.  We’re in the 9th Year of the 4th Turning
With the worst still to come. Article by Jim Quinn.
10. The Origins of the 2nd World War
Murray N. Rothbard on the first truth-telling book.

The post They Play Dirty appeared first on LewRockwell.

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