Trump: ‘We’re not going into Syria’

Pres. Trump vows “we’re not going into Syria” and warns Putin he’s backing the wrong guy (via @MorningsMaria)
— FOX & friends (@foxandfriends) April 12, 2017

‘Trump told Fox Business Network he is ‘an animal. and that Assad is ‘very bad for Russia’ and ‘very bad for mankind’–but insisted the US will not be waging a fully-fledged war in Syria. Trump is increasing pressure on Putin to abandon Assad, just as U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is visiting Moscow. Tillerson is currently in Moscow, meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. The meeting comes as early expectations of an easy rapport between the Trump administration and Russia are crashing into reality. Washington and Moscow are trading sharp accusations about a chemical weapons attack last week in Syria.
‘We’re not going into Syria,’ Trump told Fox Business in an interview, which will air in full on Wednesday morning.’
Read More: Trump: ‘We’re not going into Syria’

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